Dementia – Through The Eyes Of Women

Dementia disproportionately affects women, but their experiences and voices are missing from research and literature. This project aimed to inspire people to think differently about women and dementia by using stories and reflections from individual women to inform the debate in a unique, inspiring and insightful way.

Reel Equality Film Club

Reel Equality is a film club run by Nottinghamshire-based charity Equation. To counter the dominance of male-focused stories and tired female gender stereotypes in the mainstream film industry, they show feature films every month that tell diverse and interesting women-centred stories. They also put on film-themed events to accompany screenings, such as food, quizzes and … More

The Time is Now

Project overview In partnership with the new releases of Suffragette, and He Named Me Malala, The Time is Now project aimed to engage young female audiences with a film programme that foregrounded the role women play in affecting change, giving both a historical and global perspective of the ongoing struggle for gender equality. Films screened … More

WOFFF17 (Women Over 50 Film Festival)

WOFFF launched in 2015. It’s a new film festival, finding its feet and wanting to grow and learn with each annual iteration. Project overview Why the project matters Many women, not only in the film industry but in almost all areas of their lives, face the double whammy of #everydaysexism and #everydayageism. Campaigns like #TimesUp … More


  • Almost eight in 10 companies and public-sector bodies pay men more than women[1]
  • 8 million women were working full-time and 6.3 million were working part-time. 42% of women in employment were working part-time compared to 13% of men.[2]
  • The gender mix in UK film casts has not improved since the end of the Second World War.
  • In crews the gender mix has improved, but in some departments women still make up less than 10 per cent of senior roles.
  • Female actors have tended to make fewer films and have had shorter careers than male actors.
  • Unnamed characters who work in high-skilled occupations (e.g. doctor) are much more likely to be portrayed by men than women.
  • Films that have one woman in a senior writing or directing role contain relatively more women in their casts.[3]
  • The peak for female representation in film (when women made up 41% of casts) was over 100 years ago, in 1917.[4]
  • In the 100 highest grossing live-action films in the US for the years 2014, -16, Google showed that men were seen and heard almost twice as often as women, with women occupying just 36% of screen time and 35% of speaking time.[5]
  • Since 2005 only 16% of unnamed doctors in UK films have been played by women, despite women now comprising 52% of doctors on the UK’s General Practitioners Register.[6]
  • In film schools, numbers are generally 50:50 men to women, there are equal opportunities and equal training. Women make up 50 per cent of all short films entered into festivals (according to Directors UK) but they seem to drop out, or are pushed out of filmmaking, later in their careers.
  • In 2009, 19 per cent of all UK films had no women in any of the six key roles – director, writer, producer, exec-producer, cinematographer or editor.[7]

[1] Gender pay gap figures reveal eight in 10 UK firms pay men more, The Guardian 2018
[2] Women and the Economy, House of Commons Briefing Paper, 2018
[3] Women in film: what does the data say?, Nesta 2017
[4] The gender imbalance in UK film casts, Nesta 2017
[5] Google, in collaboration with the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media
[6] #PressForProgress: Evidencing gender inequality in the arts, Nesta 2017
[7] Calling the Shots, University of Southampton 2018


Women in Film & Television UK is the leading membership organisation for women working in creative media in the UK and part of an international network of over 13,000 women.

Bird’s Eye View is a year round agency that campaigns for gender equality in film Now in its 15th year, BEV spotlights and celebrates films created by women, and supports women working in film through training and events.

Calling the Shots: Women and Contemporary Film Culture in the UK, 2000-2015 is a large Arts and Humanities Research Council funded (£589,710) four-year project researching and writing the contemporary history of women working in the UK film industry.

Club des Femmes is a queer feminist collective. They curate film screenings and events. Their mission is to offer a freed up space for the re-examination of ideas through art.

Miss Representation: Women and Film - Supply and Demand

Reel Equality Film Club | Love Film Hate Sexism