The BFI FAN: Access Directory
The BFI FAN: Access Directory is a new resource for film exhibitors. It offers guidance, toolkits, and practical actions for planning inclusive film events for Deaf and disabled audiences.
The BFI FAN: Access Directory is a new resource for film exhibitors. It offers guidance, toolkits, and practical actions for planning inclusive film events for Deaf and disabled audiences.
Toolkit from The Space. A toolkit to help put plans in place to protect your organisation, staff, systems and freelancers in an incident of online abuse.
In March 2019 The Audience Agency delivered a series of evaluation workshops for libraries, commissioned by the DCMS Libraries Taskforce and supported by Arts Council England. Four workshops were delivered across England; in the North West, North East, South West, and London / South East regions. This Resource Pack brings together the evaluation workshop slide set and notes, themed resource links … More
Lorna Dennison, senior consultant, Morris Hargreaves McIntyre shows us some simple ways to stop evaluation just being a tick box exercise and turn it into rocket fuel for future improvement.
Creative People and Places teams, artists, evaluation partners and critical friends share a selection of approaches, models and methods for evaluating participatory arts programmes.
Creative Scotland’s Is this the best it can be? is a toolkit that can be used by anyone delivering arts and creative learning through collaborative or participatory projects and programmes.
This hypothetical case study draws on Willis Newson’s experience of evaluating arts projects with older people in residential care homes.
The evaluation cycle offers an overarching framework to understand evaluation as an iterative process. It was developed by Willis Newson with researchers at the University of the West of England (Daykin et al. 2013) to guide practitioners.
Creative and arts based approaches can be particularly powerful, especially at the data collection and dissemination phases of the evaluation cycle.
Case studies are often presented in arts and health evaluation. They are used to highlight participants’ stories of the impact of arts projects. A well written case study can powerfully convey the impacts of an arts project.