10 great lesbian films

It’s tricky to pinpoint the moment when the movie world could proclaim the first openly lesbian film. Identifying early cinematic representations of lesbianism was like collecting crumbs off the top table. Sapphic sisters were used to watching whole films just to see a character (usually portrayed as victim, killer, neurotic or prostitute) shoot a covert … More

Lesbian Visibility Week is about solidarity with all LGBTQI+ woman and non binary people in the community, as well as celebrating lesbians. It is essential that Lesbian Visibility Week is a voice for unity and lifts up ALL women, especially those who come from marginalised communities. Recent research (Pride Matters survey, conducted by Pride In London 2018) has shown that gay women are almost twice as unlikely to be out in the workplace as gay male colleagues.

There has been a Lesbian Visibility Day since 2008.

Building on this, DIVA want to create a week that recognises, celebrates and importantly supports lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women across the UK and beyond to be their true selves at work, at home and socially.

​#LesbianVisibilityWeek  |  #LVW  |  #LWithTheT

Lesbianism and Cinema

Now is as important as ever to support the work of LGBTQ+ filmmakers and stories. We have some lists of films here which focus on lesbian stories or characters, however lesbianism can often be misrepresented and/or underrepresented in film. We hope increasing awareness and visibility will springboard more authentic representation in film, both onscreen and behind the camera.

If you are interested in running a film inspired event, we have provided some links below for further information to help inspire programming in your venue, or for running events or activity online.

How to Become as Straight as a Rainbow | Anna Rosenwasser | TEDxHochschuleLuzern

Women Make Film

Mark Cousins’ epic odyssey of women’s cinema – plus a selection of remarkable films that feature throughout.

September is Bisexuality Visibility Month, during which is Bi Visibility Day on September 23rd. It’s a month to come together in solidarity to unite, raise awareness, challenge erasure and celebrate bisexual and biromantic people and communities.

Events celebrating Bi Visibility which are needed more than ever for those who may be less visible and more marginalised at this time.

Activists and allies can support bisexual people, and the LGBTQIA community by:

  • Increasing the visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual (“LGBTQIA”) people, their history, lives and their experiences in the curriculum and culture of educational and other institutions, and the wider community;
  • Raising awareness and advancing education on matters affecting the LGBTQIA community;
  • Working to make educational and other institutions safe spaces for all LGBTQIA communities; and
  • Promoting the welfare of LGBTQIA people, by ensuring that the education system recognises and enables LGBTQIA people to achieve their full potential, so they contribute fully to society and lead fulfilled lives, thus benefiting society as a whole.

Bisexuality and Cinema

Now is as important as ever to support the work of LGBTQ+ filmmakers and stories. We have some lists of films here which focus on bisexual stories or characters, however bisexuality can often be misrepresented and/or underrepresented in film. We hope increasing awareness and visibility will springboard more authentic representation in film, both onscreen and behind the camera.

If you are interested in running a film inspired event, we have provided some links below for further information to help inspire programming in your venue, or for running events or activity online.

Bisexuality: The Invisible Letter "B" | Misty Gedlinske | TEDxOshkosh