Mental Illness on the Silver Screen
We see plenty of damaging and misleading stereotypes—but some films foster empathy toward people who are suffering.
We see plenty of damaging and misleading stereotypes—but some films foster empathy toward people who are suffering.
How common are mental health problems? Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. In England, 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week.
Research released March 2014 shows a shocking 93 per cent of people from Black and Minority Ethnic communities who have mental health problems face discrimination because of them. The report shows people are trying to cope with discrimination across various areas of life, such as finding and keeping a job, relationships and friendships, and social … More
The mass media is influential in shaping people’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. Clarifying the way in which the media informs and misinforms the public in an area like mental illness is particularly important, because community understanding of mental disorders is less than optimal and stigma and discrimination are not uncommon.
A report presented to the Foresight Project on communicating the evidence base for improving people’s well-being.
Programme exploring the limits and potential of the human mind.
Stigma against people with mental health problems is centuries old: it crosses every national boundary and every culture. This report identifies popular films as a reservoir of prejudice, ignorance and fear that feeds and perpetuates damaging stereotypes of people with mental health problems. It shows the evidence that links powerful negative images with public prejudice.
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Hearing Loss is major public health issue that affects more than 11 million people across the UK. Read our report which outlines updated evidence demonstrating the link between hearing loss and mental health.