An Accessible Arts Marketing Guide

Explore 20 simple ways to make your marketing more accessible. Accessibility most directly helps disabled and older people but, in fact, all audiences benefit from inclusive design: people watching videos on noisy trains need subtitles, simple use of English helps those who don’t use it as their first language, and clear design aids readability for … More

Accessible Communication Formats

To reach all your audience, you need to make effective use of accessible communication formats (also known as alternative formats). A guide to developing and reviewing strategy for producing information in accessible formats.

Guidance on Making Websites Accessible

When websites and web tools are properly designed and coded, people with disabilities can use them. However, currently many sites and tools are developed with accessibility barriers that make them difficult or impossible for some people to use. Making the web accessible benefits individuals, businesses, and society. International web standards define what is needed for … More


  • One in two people aged 90 and over are living with sight loss.
  • Nearly two-thirds of people living with sight loss are women.
  • People from black and minority ethnic communities are at greater risk of some of the leading causes of sight loss.
  • Adults with learning disabilities are 10 times more likely to be blind or partially sighted than the general population.
  • Only 17 per cent of registered blind and partially sighted people were offered any form of emotional support at the time of diagnosis.
  • In the year after registration, less than 30 per cent of people who lost their sight say they were offered mobility training to help them get around independently.
  • Almost half of blind and partially sighted people feel ‘moderately’ or ‘completely’ cut off from people and things around them.
  • Older people with sight loss are almost three times more likely to experience depression than people with good vision.
  • Only one in four registered blind and partially sighted people of working age are in employment.[1]

[1] RNIB


Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is the UK’s leading charity supporting blind and partially sighted people.

Vocal Eyes provide opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to experience the arts at UK’s theatres, museums, galleries and heritage sites.

Scope exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else.

LOOK-UK supports young people and families living with a vision impairment.

CVI Society is a UK charity that raises awareness of Cerebral Visual Impairment providing education and support to families and healthcare professionals.

VICTA supports children and young people who are blind or partially sighted and their families across the UK.

What is Audio Description? - RNIB


  • There are over 11 million people with a limiting long term illness, impairment or disability.
  • The most commonly-reported impairments are those that affect mobility, lifting or carrying.[1]
  • There are 13.9 million disabled people in the UK. 8 per cent of children are disabled, 19 per cent of working age adults are disabled, 45 per cent of pension age adults are disabled.[2]
  • After housing costs, the proportion of working age disabled people living in poverty (28 per cent) is higher than the proportion of working age non-disabled people (18 per cent).[3]
  • Life costs you £570 more on average a month if you’re disabled.[4]
  • Over a quarter of disabled people say that they do not frequently have choice and control over their daily lives.[5]
  • Around a third of disabled people experience difficulties related to their impairment in accessing public, commercial and leisure goods and services.[6]
  • The spending power of families with at least one disabled person is estimated by the Government to be over £200 billion a year.[7]
  • Disabled audiences are over-represented amongst video buyers.[8]

[1] ONS Opinions Survey 2011
[2] Family Resources Survey 2016/17
[3] Households Below Average Income, 2015-16
[4] Scope: The disability price tag
[5] ONS Opinions Survey 2011
[6] ONS Opinions Survey 2010
[7] Department for Work and Pensions
[8] BFI Audiences Research and Statistics 2015


Scope exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else.
Disability Rights UK want a society where everyone can participate equally.

Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE) provides consultancy, training, research and publications on building design and management to meet all user needs, including disabled and older people.

Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is the UK’s leading charity supporting blind and partially sighted people.

Action on Hearing Loss supports and helps people experiencing hearing loss, so they can take back control and live the live they choose.

Contact supports families with the best possible guidance and information. They bring families together to support each other, and help families to campaign, volunteer and fundraise to improve life for themselves and others.

Disability Arts has an extensive database of cinema and arts organisations

Sensory Trust also has a useful list

Access to live music for disabled audiences: Glastonbury Festival & Band on the Wall

Supportive Environments for Families

A presentation delivered at Opening our Doors, 2017, led by Contact a Family. The presentation looks at some day-to-day issues experienced by families with children with additional needs, how we can support them to attend the cinema, and what measures need to be taken in the cinema space.