An Accessible Arts Marketing Guide

Explore 20 simple ways to make your marketing more accessible. Accessibility most directly helps disabled and older people but, in fact, all audiences benefit from inclusive design: people watching videos on noisy trains need subtitles, simple use of English helps those who don’t use it as their first language, and clear design aids readability for … More

Accessible Communication Formats

To reach all your audience, you need to make effective use of accessible communication formats (also known as alternative formats). A guide to developing and reviewing strategy for producing information in accessible formats.

Inclusive Tourism Toolkit

Making holidays accessible to everyone. Scotland is a naturally welcoming destination – a fact we’re incredibly proud of. Inclusive tourism is a hugely important part of this. We run several programmes that advise on inclusive tourism practices and provide support for that’ll help benefit the widest range of customers possible, as well as the businesses that … More

Guidance on Making Websites Accessible

When websites and web tools are properly designed and coded, people with disabilities can use them. However, currently many sites and tools are developed with accessibility barriers that make them difficult or impossible for some people to use. Making the web accessible benefits individuals, businesses, and society. International web standards define what is needed for … More

Hft: Family Carers Support Service

The Family Carer Support Service is part of Hft, a national charity supporting adults with learning disabilities and autism. At FCSS, we support the carers of people with learning disabilities. This can include giving advice on how to navigate the benefits system, providing support when liaising with local authorities, supplying information about respite and holidays, or signposting to other useful … More

Watermill Theatre Social Story

A visual resource for children and adults with Autism Spectrum conditions and other learning disabilities. This resource is intended to prepare any visitors for a new experience and help them to become familiar with the surroundings and situation prior to their visit.