Cinema for us (all of us) – Wicked Cinema

Screenings by and for learning disabled young people at Rhyl Little Theatre.

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is defined as a learning difficulty that affects the literacy skills, such as writing, reading, and spelling. Those who are diagnosed with dyslexia often finds it difficult to see or hear a word and break it down into separate sounds to associate to each sound and letter that make up the word. Though, aside … More

Autism facts and history

Facts and statistics about autism, including how many autistic people are in the UK, how many autistic people have learning disabilities, a breakdown by gender, a history of autism studies, and some common myths and facts about the condition.

Your Local Cinema

Accessible, subtitled shows enable film fans with hearing loss to ENJOY rather than endure cinema. For a few hours, the disabling barrier is removed. Last year more than a million attended accessible UK shows!


The CEA Card is a national card scheme developed by the UK Cinema Association for UK cinemas. The scheme was introduced in 2004 and is one of the ways for participating cinemas to ensure they provide a consistent voluntary approach to making reasonable adjustments for disabled guests when they go to the cinema. Around 90 … More