OF/BY/FOR ALL: A Framework for Action

When a moment of crisis or outrage arises, organizations can show leadership through concrete, thoughtful action. This tool can help your team map out action on two axes: immediate vs. longer-term actions, externally with your community and internally with your team.


Hynt is an Arts Council of Wales initiative managed by Creu Cymru in partnership with Diverse Cymru. Arts Council of Wales wanted to create a single national access scheme for disabled customers and their carers.


Experience art and culture through audio description. Bringing art and culture to life for blind and visually impaired people at theatres, museums, galleries, heritage sites and online.

Windrush Caribbean Film Festival

Organisation: Cinema Golau Project title: Windrush Caribbean Film Festival Short bio of your organisation:  Cinema Golau exists to support Black and Minority Ethnic filmmakers who are born or based in wales. We do this through cinema exhibition, industry events,  and one to one support for filmmakers and those working in the industry. Short synopsis of … More

The Libraries Taskforce: Evaluation workshops resource pack

In March 2019 The Audience Agency delivered a series of evaluation workshops for libraries, commissioned by the DCMS Libraries Taskforce and supported by Arts Council England.  Four workshops were delivered across England; in the North West, North East, South West, and London / South East regions.  This Resource Pack brings together the evaluation workshop slide set and notes, themed resource links … More