Matchbox Cineclub Subtitling Session 1: Principles of Subtitling

Matchbox Cineclub held two brilliant sessions on captioning as part of the Film Hub Scotland Access Forum.    This is Session 1: Principles of Subtitling   If you have any questions about captioning, from cost to practicalities of work you can’t undertake yourself, then please get in touch with Megan and Sean (

SQIFF Accessibility Guide for Exhibitors

The Scottish Queer International Film Festival (SQIFF) is a not-for-profit festival founded in 2015. As well as their annual film festival, they undertake year-round work including events, archive programming and advice and support for the exhibition sector. They have produced the SQIFF Deaf and Disabled Accessibility Guide, intended for use by film exhibitors of any … More

Crip Tales

A life-changing moment is captured in six powerful, dramatic monologues. Written, directed and performed by disabled people and curated by Mat Fraser.

How to look for records of… Disability history

This is a brief guide to researching records of disability. For the purpose of this guide, disability is taken to include all types of sensory or physical impairment, including chronic health conditions and the long-term effects of war wounds. Deafness and blindness are also covered as these have historically been treated as disabilities.

Disabled Britain on Film

This diverse and fascinating collection looks at representations of disabled people on screen over the past ten decades. It offers a glimpse into the lives and experiences of people often hidden from screen history, and a chance to see how contemporary disabled artists and filmmakers are insisting that their own images and voices must be … More

Blind on film: 10 movies that put blindness front and centre

Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy movies. And just like anyone else, you want to relate to the characters on screen. So it can be refreshing to catch a movie where characters who are blind are put front and centre. And that’s what the following 10 films have in common.

World Sight Day in October draws attention to the experience of millions of people dealing with sight loss across the world. Over 3 out of 4 of the world’s vision impaired are avoidably so, therefore the IAPB (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness) are running their #LoveYourEyes campaign to raise awareness about global eye health. Find out how you can support through their website resources.

Cinemas UK-wide make films available with audio description so customers with sight loss can experience the latest films. Audio description is only made available on some titles, but we look to a time when audio description is available on all titles.

Accessible Screenings UK lists audio-described screenings, as well as other accessible screenings.

Lesflix Film Database

Welcome to your ultimate lesbian film guide. All on one page, every lesbian film ever released – a constant work in progress of course… No more searching high and low for content you want to see – it is all in one easy location!