Top 10 ways to make your venue more accessible

Taking steps to make your venue more accessible is beneficial to everyone – from shops trying to increase sales to attractions aiming to increase footfall; and from wheelchair users to young parents out and about with prams. Here are some top tips for making your venue as accessible to as many people as possible.

National Inclusion Week – toolkits

By registering for National Inclusion Week, you’ll be the first to receive new fact sheets, tools, helpful information and lots more! To get you started, five Daily Challenges offer practical actions for you to help make inclusion an everyday reality. Fact sheets give you some great practical tips and knowledge on inclusion. And webinars and … More

Mental Health Toolkit for Employers

The ambition of this toolkit is to help your organisation – whether business, public sector or charitable – support the mental health and wellbeing of your employees. It will help you take positive actions to build a culture that champions good mental health and provide a greater understanding for how to help those who need more support.

Fundraising Fundamentals

Whether you’re just starting out in fundraising or you simply want a refresher of the basics, this toolkit will help you put the foundations in place for an effective fundraising strategy.

Trans*Form Toolkit

This toolkit contains information on key points from our consultation with trans* young people, guidance for youth work organisations and a selection of resources to use with young people to promote awareness of equality and diversity in your organisation.

DIY Access Guide

This guide presents a series of cheap and simple hacks to make gigs and shows more inclusive, and help artists and promoters maximise their audiences.