Summary of latest statistics – immigration

1. How many people come to the UK each year? There were 129.9 million passenger arrivals in 2016, including returning residents: a record number and an increase of 6.5 million on 2015. This increase was mainly accounted for by 3.6 million more arrivals by British, and 2.0 million by other EEA and Swiss nationals (+5% … More

Welcoming Syrian Refugees

This booklet offers simple guidance on how local individuals, charities and groups in the UK can help welcome refugees into our communities. It explains some of the issues surrounding the process with materials and input from groups around the country.

How to welcome refugees in your community

People across the country have been getting in touch with us to ask how they can help refugees feel part of their community. Elaine Connelly, Interim Communities Manager at Scottish Refugee Council and Ahlam Souidi Chair of the community group Uniting Nations in Scotland, give some suggestions on how you can welcome refugees.

Identity Beyond Diversity

The difference between teaching and critical pedagogy is vital to Handel Kashope Wright: ‘Critical pedagogy brings to the floor issues of social identity’ revealing where power resides and inequalities are preserved. ‘Multiculturalism’, ‘anti-racism’… terms often used without their cultural and historical meaning. Listen to Handel talk about how different politics, peoples, places intersect…

Learning Lab Editions

Learning Lab Editions is where we share our learning in the form of freely accessible resources: including films, audio, interviews (both short and longer form) and on video/podcast and transcribed. You can also access critical essays, working papers, project case studies and reviews (both long and short).

Refugee Week 2018 – conference materials

On 12 February 2018, over 250 people from across the UK gathered to share ideas and inspiration in preparation for the special 20th anniversary edition of Refugee Week (18-24 June 2018). Find here some notes and resources from the six workshops that were held during the conference.