Seeing White – TEDxCharlottesville

When did racism start, and why? Who invented the very notion of being “white,” or “black,” and why did they do so? Journalist and documentary podcaster John Biewen looked into these questions, and he argues that the answers could transform our approach to solving racial injustice.

The arts are in The Sunken Place – how do we Get Out?

In the film Get Out (2017), an African American man meets his white girlfriend’s family for the first time. Despite the warm, generous welcome he receives he knows that something is amiss, it’s just off. The film turns into a biting satire on parasitic consumption of African American culture and the violence of liberal racial … More

Black Women Directors

Black Women Directors is a website dedicated to highlighting the work of women and nonbinary filmmakers from the African Diaspora. It’s an ongoing project designed to shine a light on the contributions of Black women and nonbinary folks to the film canon. It started out as a Tumblr in 2015. It was founded by Danielle … More

Black UK Racial Justice Organisations

This is a growing crowd-sourced list of organisations led by Black and People of Colour with a central aim to support racial justice in the UK and the healthy lives of Black people and communities. Special thanks to Black Ballad, Joyann Boyce and all other social media contributors. Special, special thanks to Esther Lisk-Carew, Nina … More

Black Lives Matter Movement

THE BLACK LIVES MATTER MOVEMENT website (not connected to BLMUK) was set up in July 2016 following the racist police killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in the US. WE do not claim to speak for anyone but ourselves – concerned activists that fighting for racial and social justice in the UK.