EMBED: Post-Lockdown Reopening Recommendations
EMBED: Post-Lockdown Reopening Recommendations March 2021
EMBED: Post-Lockdown Reopening Recommendations March 2021
To support UK reopening following COVID-19 lockdown, EMBED are pleased to share the ‘EMBED Reopening Recommendations Support Service’ created in collaboration with the Disability Collaborative Network (DCN) and the School of Health Sciences University of East Anglia.
ENABLE brave conversations. FACILITATE uncomfortable discussions. Drive meaningful CHANGE. Race Equality Matters conducted research to identify the barriers and solutions to race equality in the workplace. Safe Space Plus was created to address these major issues. It aims to get senior representatives and a small group of ethnic minority employees together in a safe environment … More
The BIG Promise will highlight organisations and leaders who are serious about race equality. The Big Promise is an organisational commitment to action not just words. Individuals and / or organisations make a public commitment, which is measurable and to which they will be held accountable, to create a positive change. Choose from seven meaningful … More
Link to a tool from Of/By/For All. This framework is for organizations who believe in the potential of a more inclusive, sustainable future. Here are five steps to help you get there. It’s time for a change. Whether because of COVID-19 or the uprising against racist violence, it’s time. Maybe you’re eager for change because … More
Please find a collection of links and information that we hope will help you during this crisis. If you have information that you think would be useful, please email us at info@autisticuk.org.
We believe girls are being let down by the current system operating in the UK. Whether it’s protracted diagnosis, misdiagnosis or total lack of suitable provision, the system needs to be more reflective of female Autism on every level. Currently the assessment tools used to screen for Autistic Spectrum Condition are male- centric: we want … More
A report on “Action on Loneliness in care homes: an intergenerational project” which was commissioned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Public Health team and was run by Magic Me between October 2015 and October 2016.
Now the BBC’s filming and involvement has finished, we at the Oxford Academy are taking the Old School project forward independently. We’re extending the pilot further with the aim of creating a universal framework for schools who would like to run their own similar schemes. In the meantime we’re sharing the things we’ve learnt so … More
Creative & Cultural Skills, on behalf of the Creative Careers Programme, has launched a new Best Practice Recruitment Guide for Creative Leaders. The Best Practice Recruitment Guide for Creative Leaders has been designed to help employers reflect on how they might currently approach recruitment and offers simple steps that could help a business reach beyond … More