A history of LGBTQ+ representation in film

An article on stacker.com Depictions of queer and trans people have been present in the film medium since its inception more than 100 years ago, but due to censorship and varying degrees of prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community at different points in time, onscreen representation has a long, complicated, and often coded history.

Five Films for Freedom: queer cinema and censorship

What are the challenges of making queer films in countries where LGBTQIA+ rights are restricted? As Five Films for Freedom 2023 comes to a close, National Film and Television School (NFTS) student Josh Bullin shares learnings from creating a queer film season as part of his studies, which screened at London’s Rio Cinema in November 2022.

5 Things to Know to Make Your Feminism Trans-Inclusive

In Collaboration With HRC’s Transgender, Ally & Gender-Expansive Staff Resource Group and Women Identified Staff+ Resource Group Most people understand feminism to simply mean, “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” However, that definition leaves out a lot of nuance about what effective and inclusive feminism actually entails. … More

Guidance: Trans-inclusive culture

This vital guidance sets out an ethical framework to support museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations to realise their potential to create trans-inclusive spaces that foster dignity, equity and belonging. Developed by the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG).

Podcasting a live event can be a great way to make your valuable event reach more people though the power of audio. It can help showcase the work and document the event for future listening.

This guide has been created by Adam Zmith, Co-founder of Aunt Nell, Producer of The Log Books and The Film We Can’t See.

It is a guide for film programmers / event managers / tech people working in cinemas who want to make a podcast out of their live events. It has been created for our T.L.C (aka Tender Loving Care for Trans-Led / Trans-Loved Cinema) series of events and podcasts. The is aimed at people who would like to create a podcast and are running live events in cinemas where there will be a PA/sound system and assistance from a tech person.

This guide intends to give you broad headings for everything you need to think about, some answers for how to make it all happen, and links out to further information.

Download the How To Podcast Your Live Event guide