5 Things to Know to Make Your Feminism Trans-Inclusive

In Collaboration With HRC’s Transgender, Ally & Gender-Expansive Staff Resource Group and Women Identified Staff+ Resource Group Most people understand feminism to simply mean, “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” However, that definition leaves out a lot of nuance about what effective and inclusive feminism actually entails. … More

Guidance: Trans-inclusive culture

This vital guidance sets out an ethical framework to support museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations to realise their potential to create trans-inclusive spaces that foster dignity, equity and belonging. Developed by the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG).

Film London: Robot Dreams Marketing Pack

The BFI’s Screen Culture 2023 Strategy highlights young audiences aged 25 and under as a priority target audiences and this now includes programming for children and families. Film London are highlighting new release family friendly films with marketing packs and suggested workshop activities, starting with Curzon’s Robot Dreams! Download the pack.