ICO blog – Touring Mapantsula: The journey to a national co-curation model

On 27 April 1994, the first non-racialised democratic elections took place in South Africa, a significant milestone in the dismantling of 300 years of colonisation and oppression. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of what is known as Freedom Day, the ICO has partnered with Cinema Africa! and Maona Art to bring a 4K restoration of Mapantsula to UK cinemas. In this blog, … More

Five Films for Freedom: queer cinema and censorship

What are the challenges of making queer films in countries where LGBTQIA+ rights are restricted? As Five Films for Freedom 2023 comes to a close, National Film and Television School (NFTS) student Josh Bullin shares learnings from creating a queer film season as part of his studies, which screened at London’s Rio Cinema in November 2022.

5 Things to Know to Make Your Feminism Trans-Inclusive

In Collaboration With HRC’s Transgender, Ally & Gender-Expansive Staff Resource Group and Women Identified Staff+ Resource Group Most people understand feminism to simply mean, “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.” However, that definition leaves out a lot of nuance about what effective and inclusive feminism actually entails. … More