
The F-Rating is applied to films by cinemas and film festivals giving moviegoers an easily identifiable label so they can choose films that fairly represent women on screen and behind the camera. Highlighting these films sends a clear message to distributors, producers and funders that women can and should have more than just a supporting … More

Dementia – Through The Eyes Of Women

Dementia disproportionately affects women, but their experiences and voices are missing from research and literature. This project aimed to inspire people to think differently about women and dementia by using stories and reflections from individual women to inform the debate in a unique, inspiring and insightful way.

Reel Equality Film Club

Reel Equality is a film club run by Nottinghamshire-based charity Equation. To counter the dominance of male-focused stories and tired female gender stereotypes in the mainstream film industry, they show feature films every month that tell diverse and interesting women-centred stories. They also put on film-themed events to accompany screenings, such as food, quizzes and … More

The Time is Now

Project overview In partnership with the new releases of Suffragette, and He Named Me Malala, The Time is Now project aimed to engage young female audiences with a film programme that foregrounded the role women play in affecting change, giving both a historical and global perspective of the ongoing struggle for gender equality. Films screened … More

WOFFF17 (Women Over 50 Film Festival)

WOFFF launched in 2015. It’s a new film festival, finding its feet and wanting to grow and learn with each annual iteration. Project overview Why the project matters Many women, not only in the film industry but in almost all areas of their lives, face the double whammy of #everydaysexism and #everydayageism. Campaigns like #TimesUp … More