Experience art and culture through audio description. Bringing art and culture to life for blind and visually impaired people at theatres, museums, galleries, heritage sites and online.
Experience art and culture through audio description. Bringing art and culture to life for blind and visually impaired people at theatres, museums, galleries, heritage sites and online.
Turning Up the Volume: unheard voices of dementia is an unprecedented look at the real picture of living with dementia today, from the people who know. It dials up the voice of people who have the disease – which is too often muffled or ignored – telling their stories, and presenting a picture of their … More
Hardish Virk has been an audience development consultant for over 15 years. In this session, Hardish Virk talked about three key elements of audience development; research, tools/methodologies and sustainability. It was an opportunity for delegates to learn how best to engage diverse communities and audiences through tailored marketing.
Navigating Difference was commissioned by four audience development agencies, Arts About Manchester, Audiences Central, Audiences London and Audiences Yorkshire. Arts Council England’s work on diversity made it an ideal partner in the project. None of the partners wanted to produce a simplistic guide to ‘best practice’ because their work over the past 10 years has … More
Data and evidence: Access to data and evidence supports higher quality adolescent health and healthcare. We conduct research, evaluate services, produce briefings and compendiums of data for front line practitioners.
Ama Culture Hive: This series of five case studies demonstrate different possible approaches for increasing the diversity of your audience. From the Balti Bus project at the Lawrence Batley Theatre, through to The Ramayana at Royal National Theatre London, each project approach is outlined and its effectiveness evaluated.
Short synopsis: Inclusive Cinema was a UK-wide project developed by the BFI Film Audience Network (FAN) designed to support screen exhibitors. The project celebrated diversity on screen, in the audience and behind the camera. Inclusive Cinema was at the heart of BFI FAN’s strategy. It aimed to bring British, international and independent film to all … More
In March 2019 The Audience Agency delivered a series of evaluation workshops for libraries, commissioned by the DCMS Libraries Taskforce and supported by Arts Council England. Four workshops were delivered across England; in the North West, North East, South West, and London / South East regions. This Resource Pack brings together the evaluation workshop slide set and notes, themed resource links … More
Lorna Dennison, senior consultant, Morris Hargreaves McIntyre shows us some simple ways to stop evaluation just being a tick box exercise and turn it into rocket fuel for future improvement.
Creative People and Places teams, artists, evaluation partners and critical friends share a selection of approaches, models and methods for evaluating participatory arts programmes.