OF/BY/FOR ALL: A Framework for Action

When a moment of crisis or outrage arises, organizations can show leadership through concrete, thoughtful action. This tool can help your team map out action on two axes: immediate vs. longer-term actions, externally with your community and internally with your team.

Family Arts Festival Evaluation Toolkit

This toolkit has been created for the Family Arts Campaign by Catherine Rose’s Office, for use by organisations participating in the Get Creative Family Arts Festival. It provides guidance, information and ideas on evaluating your Festival events and researching your audiences

Your Cinema Your Community Your Impact

This toolkit for cinemas points to the information that you need to know to determine whether you have screened your films successfully, attracted intended audiences, and made a difference to the people that attend as well as your wider community and economy.

Birds’ Eye View – Covid Community Fund

Why the project matters The pilot challenges barriers to cinema and film faced by wider communities, and takes a bespoke approach to meeting needs which heighten the barriers during COVID. It ensures that during a time of desperation for survival in the exhibition industry, that already marginalised communities do not continue to be neglected. Aims … More

Leigh Film Society: Carers Film Club

Project overview Why the project matters For many young carers juggling school and home care respite is important. We Champion the therapeutic benefits of cinema escapism and how watching a film for a couple of hours can take your mind away from more challenging thoughts. The same for adult carers who may need time away … More

Volunteer Management Toolkit

Are you a service manager? Have you ever wondered how you might attract the right volunteers who will make a real difference to the lives of the people you support? Or how you can recruit volunteers who quietly and consistently get on behind-the-scenes with those extra jobs, like preparing newsletters, gardening or fundraising for a … More

Diversity and Volunteering

The UK has historically included people from different parts of the world, different communities and cultures. What has changed over time is the number of identified or self-identifying communities that exist and how we value and treat people within our society. As society changes and becomes more diverse, we need to look for positive ways … More