BFI Player: FREE archive film “On the Level”

How much of the built environment was accessible in 1980s Britain? This government-sponsored film aimed to raise awareness about the importance of inclusive design to give disabled people independence. Ten years before the first UK disability discrimination legislation came into force, we can see a lot more needs to be done.

In 2019, This Way Up took to Nottingham for the event’s sixth edition, which kicked off with opening sessions reflecting the key themes of the overall conference: Celebration, Resilience and The Future.

The conference featured more talks around inclusion than ever before, and we at Inclusive Cinema captured four of our favourite talks so those who couldn’t make the event could still get the benefit of case studies and insights shared.

The talks below are provided by the following speakers:

Rabab Ghazoul, the Founder & Director of Welsh cultural organisation platform Gentle/Radical, shared her vision of what the future of working with audiences could be. What does ‘outreach’ look like now, and what could it become?

Karena Johnson, Artistic Director and CEO, Hoxton Hall, shared her experience of re-launching Hoxton Hall, a Victorian music hall, and tackling the sometimes uncomfortable issue of diversity. She led a workshop session where delegates were invited to explore their own approach. She spoke about shifting organisational culture, bringing a team with you on a journey and how to manage expectations.

Rico Johnson-Sinclair, Director and Programmer of CineQ Birmingham discussed campaigning for queer, trans, and intersex people of colour’s stories on screen and how he reaches audiences.

Nikki Stratton, Co-Founder & Director, Deaffest looked at the best ways to market to D/deaf audiences. Catherine Downes (Co-Founder, usheru) discussed their work aiming to reach those that start the ticket-buying process but don’t complete the all-important checkout process. With tips and tricks to maximise the potential of your marketing output.

Outreach: Decoloniality & Revolution - Rabab Ghazoul

Diversifying the cultural landscape - Karena Johnson

Marketing: Reaching your target audience - Rico Johnson-Sinclair

The best way to market to Deaf audiences - Nikki Stratton

Action on Loneliness in Care Homes

A report on “Action on Loneliness in care homes: an intergenerational project” which was commissioned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Public Health team and was run by Magic Me between October 2015 and October 2016.

Old School: A Guide for Schools

Now the BBC’s filming and involvement has finished, we at the Oxford Academy are taking the Old School project forward independently. We’re extending the pilot further with the aim of creating a universal framework for schools who would like to run their own similar schemes. In the meantime we’re sharing the things we’ve learnt so … More

FACT Liverpool: Dear Future Worker

The Digital Ambassadors, a creative and digital programme for the over 60s, have been working closely with Holy Family Primary School in an intergenerational project exploring the past and future workplaces of Liverpool. Focusing on the idea of a workers’ identity, the groups have worked together with artist Sarah Bailey to create the short film Dear … More

Womxn is Work – Liv Wynter and Grrrl Power Liverpool

Marking one hundred years since the suffragettes secured the first Women’s votes, Womxn is Work delves into women’s working rights and addresses our aspirations for the future through the revisiting of the past. Over the course of 8 weeks Liv Wynter and Grrrl Power Liverpool have collaborated with a group of women and non-binary people to co-design … More

BBC programmes: Intergenerational Volunteering

Intergenerational volunteering is when young and older people volunteer to get together, taking part in activities, programmes and projects. It can happen without the label being attached, but the key thing is the aim of bringing the generations together.

Magic Me

Magic Me is an arts charity that brings the generations together to build a stronger, safer community. Projects often link unlikely partners. Young people aged 8+ and adults aged 60+ team up through shared, creative activity. Intergenerational groups meet on a weekly basis in schools, museums, older peoples clubs, care homes, community and cultural organisations.