Identity Beyond Diversity

The difference between teaching and critical pedagogy is vital to Handel Kashope Wright: ‘Critical pedagogy brings to the floor issues of social identity’ revealing where power resides and inequalities are preserved. ‘Multiculturalism’, ‘anti-racism’… terms often used without their cultural and historical meaning. Listen to Handel talk about how different politics, peoples, places intersect…

Gov.UK – Ethnicity Facts & Figures

In the UK, 87% of people are White, and 13% belong to a Black, Asian, Mixed or Other ethnic group. Use this service to find information about the different experiences of people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. It gathers data collected by government in one place, making it available to the public, specialists and … More

Audiences: BFI Research and Statistics 2015

In this report, we look at UK cinema admissions by age, cinema-goers’ film preferences by age, gender, geographical location and socio-economic status, and film consumption by ethnicity and disability.

Open Conversations: Developing Strong, Effective Connections To Black, Asian And Minority Ethnic Communities

Voluntary Arts is a national organisation which works to provide a universal voice for the voluntary arts across the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Like many other publicly funded arts organisations, Voluntary Arts had become increasingly concerned in recent years about the relative lack of diversity within its staffing, governance and beneficiaries. In particular … More