Arts And Science Combine For Dementia Care
A new study looking at the benefits of visual art activities for people living with dementia should provide the evidence that decision-makers need.
A new study looking at the benefits of visual art activities for people living with dementia should provide the evidence that decision-makers need.
Review into disability inequality in Great Britain, offering comprehensive evidence on whether our society lives up to its promise to be fair to all its citizens.
In 2013 and with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council, the Dementia & Imagination team established a clear set of principles to underpin its visual arts research programme with people experiencing dementia in three geographical areas of the UK.
Brings together research undertaken as part of A4D’s landmark pilot, London Arts Challenge (LAC) which was awarded the London 2012’s Inspire mark.
Report on ‘York without walls’ dementia-friendly project.
Report on the pilot cinema programme run by Dukes for people living with dementia and their partners.
Dementia disproportionately affects women, but their experiences and voices are missing from research and literature. This project aimed to inspire people to think differently about women and dementia by using stories and reflections from individual women to inform the debate in a unique, inspiring and insightful way.
Update on Digital Arts for Older People report. Shows progress and lots of case studies included.
Outline of digital projects (both where digital is arts medium or tool for project)… discusses some of the blockers for experience and the cultural presuppositions that older people cannot work with digital. Useful info on dementia specific projects and activities. Good for mindset sourcing.
With nearly one million Britons in the grip of dementia, it’s hardly surprising that writers and artists should increasingly tackle the subject. But can the arts ever illuminate a condition that by its very nature resists all understanding?