Film + TV Charity: Mental Health Community

Thousands of you have come forward and shared your stories, in the hope of helping others and creating a healthier, happier industry. Many of you want to talk more openly about how you’re feeling — an amazing 86% of you said you would feel comfortable supporting a peer who was struggling with their mental health. However, sadly, … More

Mind: Information and Support

When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information is vital. Choose one of the options below to find out more.

Mind: Coronavirus and your wellbeing

You might be worried about coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it could affect your life. This may include having to stay at home and avoid other people. This might feel difficult or stressful. But there are lots of things you can try that could help your wellbeing.

Northern Ireland Mental Health Arts Festival

NIMHAF is a festival highlighting mental health by showcasing arts events across Northern Ireland. With arts on offer from visual arts and photography, poetry and song to psychodrama, music, comedy and film, the festival promises to put transformation on the agenda across Northern Ireland.

Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival

The Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival (SMHAF) is one of Scotland’s most diverse cultural events, covering everything from music, film and visual art to theatre, dance, and literature. The annual festival will take place in venues across Scotland from 4-24 May 2020, aiming to support the arts and challenge preconceived ideas about mental health.

March Network: Creative Isolation

As a mental health network focused on the power of bringing people together with social, cultural and community assets, Covid-19 has thrown us a unique challenge.  With more people socially and physically distancing themselves, we want to share some home-based, creative ways to support mental health during these unique and uncertain times.

Film: Ludo is Fantastic

Ludo is Fantastic, Directed by Willie Stewart, Ireland/Belgium, Digital Format, 2018. Since the early 1960’s, wildman Ludo Mich has been actively operating on the fringes and the fringes of the fringes of the Antwerp underground art scene. Ludo exists inside the ‘M Dimension’ the world of his own creation in which he has produced a … More