The Autistic Advocate

Welcome to The Autistic Advocate blog. You’re really welcome here and before you get started I’d like to let you know a few things; The blog isn’t simply about me and my experiences as an Autistic person. It is a place of collective stories, focusing on Autism as an Identity, as an acceptable Neurology, while … More

OpenLearn: Understanding Autism Free Online Course

Learn about autism, a complex and challenging long-term condition for many individuals and their families worldwide, and an aspect of human diversity to others. This free course, Understanding autism, introduces the autism spectrum, how it is experienced by different individuals and families, and why it is a global concern. The course explains how ideas about autism have … More

Jo Wootten: Tips for working remotely when you’re deaf (with BSL videos)

BSL videos and details of a BSL chat via Zoom on working remotely. New to communicating remotely?  Want to know more? I asked deaf friends, interpreters, and speech to text reporters for their top tips (thank you!), Everyone is different, and the type of job you have will make a difference to your choice.  You … More

Substital app: add subtitles to videos online

Make videos online more accessible. Tired of videos lacking subtitles? Substital is a browser extension that lets you make videos more accessible online by adding subtitles or closed-captions. Whether it is for entertainment, language learning, or to make the videos accessible to the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, Substital is the ideal solution. Get it now on … More