EMBED: Post COVID-19 reopening

To support UK reopening following COVID-19 lockdown, EMBED are pleased to share the ‘EMBED Reopening Recommendations Support Service’  created in collaboration with the Disability Collaborative Network (DCN) and the School of Health Sciences University of East Anglia.

7 Documentaries to Watch After Crip Camp

If you recently watched Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution and want to learn more here are 7 documentaries by Deaf and disabled people for you to check out. These films are available for either rental, purchase, or by subscription on various platforms and websites. You can find information about captions or audio description by going … More

Using a range of communication channels to reach disabled people

This guidance was written for government communicators but may also be useful to other communication professionals. We absorb a wide range of information every day through different communication channels, for example, radio, television, newspapers, advertising, internet and word of mouth. Some of these methods may be out of reach or inaccessible to some disabled people. … More