FWD-Doc: Download the FWD-Doc toolkit
FWD-Doc in association with Doc Society supported by Netflix presents: A Toolkit for Inclusion & Accessibility: Changing the Narrative of Disability in Documentary Film
FWD-Doc in association with Doc Society supported by Netflix presents: A Toolkit for Inclusion & Accessibility: Changing the Narrative of Disability in Documentary Film
Charlotte shared this talk with attendees of a Deaf awareness workshop led by Wales Council for Deaf People in collaboration with Film Hub Wales. Those joining were film exhibitors learning to be more deaf-friendly in their cinemas.
If you recently watched Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution and want to learn more here are 7 documentaries by Deaf and disabled people for you to check out. These films are available for either rental, purchase, or by subscription on various platforms and websites. You can find information about captions or audio description by going … More
This guidance was written for government communicators but may also be useful to other communication professionals. We absorb a wide range of information every day through different communication channels, for example, radio, television, newspapers, advertising, internet and word of mouth. Some of these methods may be out of reach or inaccessible to some disabled people. … More
This guide provides free information and tips to help organisations become welcoming to, and inclusive of, the 5 million people of working age in the UK who are D/deaf or have hearing loss.
Why do artists use social media? How important is social media to an artist’s career? And if artists want to use it to their advantage, what do they need to do? In this report, Gabrielle de la Puente outlines the impact of social media on artists as a tool for work, networking, and creativity. The … More
After months of work and collaboration with over 200 disabled people and activists from across Wales, Disability Wales are delighted to launch Bring Us Our Rights: Disabled People’s Manifesto this International Day of Disabled People! The manifesto highlights many key areas for advancing equality for disabled people as well as offering policy solutions. The manifesto … More
Hollywood just doesn’t seem interested in telling unique disabled stories in general, and the only narrative they do regards men who become disabled.
At Into Film we recognise cinema’s power for social, cultural and academic enrichment, and believe every child and young person has the right to access it. Tomorrow marks International Day of People with Disabilities (3 December), and as some cinema venues reopen their doors this week, we are taking this moment to voice our support … More