Key information and statistics on sight loss in the UK

What are the main causes of blindness in adults? Age-related macular degeneration is by far the leading cause of blindness in adults. Other significant causes of sight loss are glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. How many people have sight loss in the UK? Every day 250 people start to lose their sight in the UK. As of … More

Sight loss data tool

The  RNIB’s Sight Loss Data Tool is the UK’s biggest collection of eye health datasets. The product collates a wide range of publically available datasets and allows users to view local area data easily in one of three different automated reports. The full report tells a tailored story about the local area; custom tables allow … More

Severe and Multiple Disadvantage Research Project

This study breaks new ground in developing an understanding of the specific severe and multiple disadvantage needs of a population where there is already a strong evidence base around some inequalities, but where few studies have drawn this evidence together in order to paint a picture of complex needs.