Volunteers’ Week takes place in June every year, this week it runs from 3rd – 9th June. It’s a chance to say thank you for the contribution millions of volunteers make across the UK to support our communities.

The Week is open to anyone to take part – this can include carrying out an act of kindness, doing some volunteering or contributing to discussion. Find more information here.

The week is led in partnership by NCVOVolunteer ScotlandVolunteer Now (Northern Ireland) and Wales Council for Voluntary Action and supported by organisations across the UK.

Volunteers and Cinema

Hundreds of community cinemas across the UK are volunteer-run, with people bringing their love of cinema and the audience experience to life in their communities. There are also many other independent venues that simply would not be able to provide the special and personal experiences they do without the support of volunteers. This is a week to give extra thanks to these brilliant people.

6 Steps to Volunteer Management Success | Leep NGO

March Network: Creative Isolation

As a mental health network focused on the power of bringing people together with social, cultural and community assets, Covid-19 has thrown us a unique challenge.  With more people socially and physically distancing themselves, we want to share some home-based, creative ways to support mental health during these unique and uncertain times.

Media Pack: Refugee Week 2019

Engage local media to promote your event and help Refugee Week tell a different story about refugees. You can download the Dropbox media tool kit for 2019 here. It includes the following useful tools and tips to help make your events a success!

20+ resources for National Coming Out Day

Held October 11th in most countries and October 12th in the United Kingdom, National Coming Out Day was started in 1988 as a way for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community to speak out about issues that concern them and their supporters. There are an overwhelming amount of support resources on the Web … More

#LightUpPurple UK resources

October 10th is a day for continued global mental health awareness, education and advocacy. The theme for 2018 being “Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World”.  The first WMHD was in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health, a global mental health organization with members and contacts in more than 150 countries. ​ On … More