Agony Autie: YouTube Channel

Blog. The ramblings of a 32 year old Autistic woman, reaching out to autistics, parents, carers, professionals & society in general. 😍💕 Want me to present a talk? Book me at Follow me on Facebook where we have regular live chats. Subscribe for the latest videos and blogs.

Hijinx Theatre

We are Hijinx. We work from Wales but reach the whole world. We make strikingly different theatre. We are acclaimed for our award-winning theatre productions, community projects and diversity training. We are unashamedly ambitious for our Hijinx Actors. We want to see a learning disabled and/or autistic actor win an Oscar by 2030.

Watch Seeing the Unseen on Vimeo On Demand

Get ready to be acquainted with 17 brave Icelandic women on the autistic spectrum in the documentary “Seeing the Unseen” The film sheds light on the lives of women and girls on the autism spectrum. Girls are much less likely to be diagnosed with autism than boys, with many being left undiagnosed until adulthood.

Coronavirus: activities and resources for life at home

Now that the government has told everyone to stay indoors as much as possible, there is a greater need than ever for people to stay active and connected from home. On this page, we will create, curate and share a wealth of ideas to stay active and connected as well as any other useful tips … More

SWAN – Scottish Women’s Autism Network

Females on the spectrum have been described as being like swans – appearing to glide across the surface of life but paddling furiously under the surface just to keep afloat! It is becoming increasingly understood that more women may be on the autism spectrum than previously thought. However, many develop a range of coping strategies … More