The Exclusion Act

The Exclusion Act is a report that uses data driven research to share insight & evidence to the film industry on where inclusion of British East & South East Asians [BESEA] is failing. The headline findings of this study shows that in the past ten years, 0.8% or only 9 out of 1077 British films … More

Programmes for Communities

Multiple case studies, including Digital Skills training for charities, building support for migrant voices across London and communication support for grantees. Media Trust harness the power of the media to help make positive change happen at a local level across the country.  Capacity building programmes combine training, mentoring and content creation to amplify voices of … More

How to Get the Press on Your Side

Extract from Clare Wilford’s 2016 PR Presentation ‘How to Get the Press on Your Side’ for the ICO’s REACH: Strategic Audience Development participants