Designing a Dementia friendly website

Some well-established web design basics: minimize the number of choices that someone has to make; create self-explanatory navigation tools; help people get to what they’re looking for as quickly as possible.

Accessibility in cinemas: Are cinemas playing fair?

In this day and age all cinemas should be accessible for disabled people, right? Emma Purcell investigates to find out about people’s experiences of accessibility and customer service at cinemas, as well as what regulations are, or should be, in place to improve equality for disabled people at UK cinemas.

Inclusive Tourism Toolkit

Making holidays accessible to everyone. Scotland is a naturally welcoming destination – a fact we’re incredibly proud of. Inclusive tourism is a hugely important part of this. We run several programmes that advise on inclusive tourism practices and provide support for that’ll help benefit the widest range of customers possible, as well as the businesses that … More