FDA Yearbook 2018

The 2018 edition contains 128 pages of data and generic comment on the past year’s cinemagoing in the UK and Ireland, some of it specially commissioned and not published elsewhere. The book offers insights into how film distributors drove consumption by bringing a wide range of 874 releases to UK cinema audiences. There’s also an … More

2680 out of 7000 languages spoken in the world are endangered. Only a few hundred languages have genuinely been given a place in education systems and the public domain, and less than a hundred are used in the digital world.

International Mother Language Day has been observed every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. In 2019, the United Nations declared The Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019) to raise awareness and recognise the important cultural value that they bring to our world.

The UN has proclaimed 2022-2032 the International Decade of Indigenous Languages to draw global attention on the critical situation of many indigenous languages.

This is a great time to focus on planning screenings of films not in the English language, learn about the challenges Indigenous languages face by connecting people through language and culture through film.

National Inclusion Week – toolkits

By registering for National Inclusion Week, you’ll be the first to receive new fact sheets, tools, helpful information and lots more! To get you started, five Daily Challenges offer practical actions for you to help make inclusion an everyday reality. Fact sheets give you some great practical tips and knowledge on inclusion. And webinars and … More

Mental Health Toolkit for Employers

The ambition of this toolkit is to help your organisation – whether business, public sector or charitable – support the mental health and wellbeing of your employees. It will help you take positive actions to build a culture that champions good mental health and provide a greater understanding for how to help those who need more support.

[VID] How to engage new young audiences in experiencing theatre

To encourage new young audiences to experience theatre, the Arts Council’s A Night Less Ordinary scheme in association with Metro offered over half a million (618,000) free theatre tickets to anyone under 26 at more than 200 venues throughout England. In this video Jane Finnis, Culture 24, Jake Orr, www.ayoungertheatre.com, Susan Whiddington, Mousetrap Theatre Projects … More

Developing Deaf Audiences in Your Cinema

We set out to find out what the barriers were to building a strong d/Deaf audience in the UK. We conducted a survey of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing audiences, a focus group of Deaf people and also a survey of exhibitors to understand their experience with developing d/Deaf audiences. 97.5% of respondents to our … More

What sponsors want from the arts

Sponsorships are not philanthropic donations – they are business investments from which companies want a return. We ask major sponsors what’s in the deal for them.