Understanding autism

One in a hundred people in the UK have autism. That’s enough to fill Wembley Stadium nearly eight times over. That’s a fact. But there are an equal number of myths surrounding autism that are, frankly, unhelpful. Ambitious About Autism dispel some of the biggest myths and give you the lowdown on all the stats … More

Mental health facts and statistics

How common are mental health problems? Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. In England, 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week.

Mental illness in the news and the information media

The mass media is influential in shaping people’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. Clarifying the way in which the media informs and misinforms the public in an area like mental illness is particularly important, because community understanding of mental disorders is less than optimal and stigma and discrimination are not uncommon.

Severe and Multiple Disadvantage Research Project

This study breaks new ground in developing an understanding of the specific severe and multiple disadvantage needs of a population where there is already a strong evidence base around some inequalities, but where few studies have drawn this evidence together in order to paint a picture of complex needs.

Young onset dementia facts & figures

As with dementia generally, there is conflicting information about the prevalence of young onset dementia.  The low levels of awareness and the difficulties of diagnosing the condition at working-age mean popularly used statistics are likely to be inaccurate and do not reflect the true number of people who are affected.

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is defined as a learning difficulty that affects the literacy skills, such as writing, reading, and spelling. Those who are diagnosed with dyslexia often finds it difficult to see or hear a word and break it down into separate sounds to associate to each sound and letter that make up the word. Though, aside … More

Autism facts and history

Facts and statistics about autism, including how many autistic people are in the UK, how many autistic people have learning disabilities, a breakdown by gender, a history of autism studies, and some common myths and facts about the condition.


  • The number of people with dementia globally is estimated to be 46.8 million. Currently, this is greater than the total population of Spain and is projected to nearly triple by 2050.[1]
  • In 2015 in the UK an estimated 850,000 people were living with dementia, of whom 40,000 were aged under 65 (younger people with dementia) and 25,000 were from black and minority ethnic groups in the UK.
  • By 2051 there will be an estimated 2 million people living with dementia in the UK.
  • A third of babies born today will develop dementia in their lifetime.
  • Two thirds of people with dementia are women.
  • One in six people aged 80 and over have dementia.
  • 225,000 people will develop dementia this year, that’s one every three minutes.
  • Two thirds of people with dementia live in the community while one third live in care homes where 80 per cent of residents have a form of dementia.
  • Dementia is the leading cause of death amongst women and the third leading cause of death in men.
  • The financial cost of dementia to the UK is £26 billion per annum.
  • There are 670,000 carers of people with dementia in the UK.
  • In 2015 only 44% of people with dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland received a diagnosis of dementia.[2]
  • 72% of people living with dementia also have another medical condition or disability.
  • A quarter oof hospital beds are occupied by people living with dementia who are over 65.
  • 39% of people under 60 years and 52% of people 60 years and above said that Alzheimer’s is the disease they are most concerned about. It is the most feared disease for people 60 years and above.[3]
  • Dementia is ‘young onset’ when it affects people of working age, usually between 30 and 65 years old. It is also referred to as ‘early onset’ or ‘working-age’ dementia.
  • It is estimated that there are 42,325 people in the UK who have been diagnosed with young onset dementia. (Ref Dementia UK, 2nd edition 2014, Alzheimer’s Society).  They represent around 5% of the 850,000 people with dementia.[4]

[1] Alzheimer’s Research UK – Statistics about dementia
[2] Alzheimer’s Society – Dementia UK Report
[3]  Alzheimer’s Research UK – Statistics about dementia
[4] Young Dementia UK – Young onset dementia facts and figures


Alzheimer’s Society believe passionately that life doesn’t end when dementia begins. They are there for anyone affected by dementia, and are committed to keeping people with dementia connected to their lives and the people who matter most.

Dementia Friends is a programme, led by Alzheimer’s Society. It is the biggest ever initiative to change people’s perceptions of dementia, aiming to transform the way the nation thinks, acts and talks about the condition.

Dementia Action Alliance is for organisations across England to connect, share best practice and take action on dementia. Members include leading charities, hospitals, social care providers, Government bodies, pharmaceuticals, royal colleges, and wellbeing organisations.

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity, dedicated to causes, diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Backed by scientists and supporters, they are challenging the way people think about dementia, uniting big thinkers in the field and funding innovative science that will deliver a cure.

Age UK‘s vision is to make the UK a great place to grow older, by inspiring, supporting and enabling in a number of ways.

Young Dementia UK is the dedicated national charity for younger people with dementia and their families.  They are committed to helping those affected to continue to live life, by providing support, social events and information.

Arts 4 Dementia develop arts programmes to empower, re-energise and inspire people with early-stage dementia and carers through challenging artistic stimulation, to help them live better for longer in their own homes.

Creative Dementia Arts Network create challenges and possibilities connecting artists, arts organisations and cultural institutions with commissioners of creative arts for dementia.

Created Out of Mind is aiming to explore, challenge and shape perceptions and understanding of dementias through science and the creative arts.

DEEP (Dementia Empowerment and Engagement Project) brings together groups of people with dementia from across the UK. DEEP supports these groups to try to change services and policies that affect the lives of people with dementia.

Innovations in Dementia’s work supports people with dementia to keep control of their lives, by running innovative projects, providing a training and consultancy service and influencing how others work with people with dementia.

Dementia Friendly Cinema - Tyneside


Stonewall, as the leading organisation advocating for LGBT+ rights in the UK, says it is a reasonable estimate that there are between 5-7% people in the UK who are LGBT+.

Some further interesting statistics:

  • One in five LGBT people have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the last 12 months
  • Two in five trans people have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their gender identity in the last 12 months[1]
  • Nearly half (42 per cent) of trans people are not living permanently in their preferred gender role stated they are prevented from doing so because they fear it might threaten their employment status[2]
  • Nearly half (45 per cent) of LGBT pupils – including 64 per cent of trans pupils – are bullied for being LGBT in Britain’s schools. This is down from 55 per cent of lesbian, gay and bi pupils who experienced bullying because of their sexual orientation in 2012 and 65 per cent in 2007[3]
  • A quarter of the world’s population believes that being LGBT should be a crime[4]
  • 1 in 3 homeless youth are LGBT[5]
  • LGBT people are more likely to be substance dependent[6]
  • LGBT people are more likely to face mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety[7]

[1]Stonewall: The Gay British Crime Survey (2013) and LGBT in Britain – Hate Crime (2017)
[2]Stonewall: Gay in Britain (2013) and Engendered Penalities (2007)
[3]Stonewall: The School Report (2017) and The RaRE Research Report (2015)
[4]Stonewall: Stonewall’s International Work and ILGA World (2016).
[5]Crisis, 2005
[6]University of Central Lancashire, 2014
[7]King et al 2008


Stonewall works for acceptance without exception for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

LGBT Foundation is a national charity delivering advice, support and information services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) communities.

See the downloads for a detailed list of organisations.

How to talk (and listen) to transgender people - Jackson Bird

How We Can Reduce Prejudice with a Conversation- David Fleischer