Place2Be: Children’s Mental Health Week

Schools, youth groups, businesses, individuals – everyone can get involved with this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week. By combining our efforts, we have the potential to reach thousands more children, young people and families.  There are so many ways you can take part in the week.

Accessing Community Cinema: Driftwood Cinema

Project overview Community Cinemas operate on a tight budget and primarily screen from DVD using equipment aimed at the “home” market or a little better. Venues also are multi-use and not purpose built and therefore often suffer from poor acoustic qualities and do not offer tiered seating. However their audience demographic includes a significant proportion … More


Cinemaximiliaan brings film and debates to asylum centres, private homes and cinemas all over Belgium, bridging newcomers with locals in a personal way. The starting point of the film project is each participants desire to share their story through a short film. Films are made in and around the Cinemaximiliaan project house in Brussels. It … More