National Intergenerational Week

National Intergenerational Week is all about celebrating those moments and places where different age groups come together for shared benefit.

In changing times, parents are having children later in life, and living greater distances from their own parents. Given current impacts from Covid-19, we are having to segregate and isolate, with a particular focus on 70+ year olds being forced into self-isolation, there is a need now, more than ever, to focus on positive communities. How can we bring together older and younger generations safely in a way that supports friendship?

St. Monica Trust think it’s about time we change the way we do things.  They aim is to get as many people talking about existing intergenerational projects in their local area as possible. Find out how to get involved in National Intergenerational Week.

Let’s pool our collective experience into sharing ideas for tackling social isolation – whether through in-person events or via online sessions and emails, phone calls and social media. Share your ideas for supporting intergenerational connections on the hashtag #IntergenerationalWeek

Intergenerational projects and cinema

Cinema can be an inspiring and powerful tool for developing intergenerational projects. Find some inspiration on this page about previous and existing projects, or information for further research and planning ideas. Share your organisation’s projects or those local to you with the online world during #IntergenerationalWeek

Online ideas

Could you:

  • set up a watch party between younger and older individuals and have a chat on Zoom/Skype after the film?
  • run an online drawing, poetry or drama workshop, using a film as a theme?
  • watch some archive film available through BFI Player or a regional archive website, and run a reminiscence workshop online?
  • buddy up a younger person and an older person to have a chat online each week about a short or feature film they’ve seen?

Share your experiences

We would love to know about your Intergenerational film or cinema project at Inclusive Cinema. If you’d like to submit your own case study, please download this Inclusive screening case study template and submit it to toki[at], so we can share your experiences, too.

Local 12: Generation to Generations uses film for intergenerational mentoring

St Monica Trust National Intergenerational Week

National Intergenerational Week takes place from 23rd to 29th March 2020. It’s all about celebrating those moments and places where different age groups come together for shared benefit. Join us on #IntergenerationalWeek as we say no to the age gap. Find case studies and social media resources.

Contact a Family Cymru: Supportive Environment Screenings

Project Overview A strategic project as part of Film Hub Wale’s Diversity & Access strand for 2015/16, developed in response to both audience and member demand. Contact a Family are a national charity that support families with children who have a range of sensory needs and learning difficulties. In 2015, Film Hub Wales awarded support … More

Accessing Community Cinema: Driftwood Cinema

Project overview Community Cinemas operate on a tight budget and primarily screen from DVD using equipment aimed at the “home” market or a little better. Venues also are multi-use and not purpose built and therefore often suffer from poor acoustic qualities and do not offer tiered seating. However their audience demographic includes a significant proportion … More

Dementia Friendly Film Screenings at Theatr Colwyn

Project Overview At the back end of 2016, we signed up to ‘A Life More Ordinary’ (ALMO) project, based at The Dukes in Lancaster and now being rolled out across the UK. This pioneering scheme gives people living with dementia, their friends, family and carers the opportunities to enjoy regular cultural and arts events, such … More

Iris Prize Festival – Iris in the Community

Project overview Iris in the Community was a Big Lottery funded project which ran from 2015 -2018. Its aims were to work with communities across Wales to make their own film and deliver their own mini-Iris film festival utilising films from our back catalogue. During the life of the project we engaged with 30 groups … More


Cinemaximiliaan brings film and debates to asylum centres, private homes and cinemas all over Belgium, bridging newcomers with locals in a personal way. The starting point of the film project is each participants desire to share their story through a short film. Films are made in and around the Cinemaximiliaan project house in Brussels. It … More