Over 1500+ members make up the Film Audience Network. We work with hundreds of partners in arts organisations, the charity sector and through education to broaden the reach of British and international film to diverse audiences, but this only happens when staff take time to step away from the day-to-day to address the bigger picture.

We’ve collated existing best practice guidance on working with diverse groups and diversity specialists from various sectors, not just our own. We’ve also started to fill in the gaps, by creating new guides for exhibitors where there’s demand.

Here you’ll find an array of guidance to support your inclusive cinema aims. Where there are gaps, we’re aiming to fill them. If you have ideas, or would like to contribute, get in touch.


Inclusive Cinema was a UK-wide project developed by the BFI Film Audience Network (FAN) designed to support screen exhibitors. Together, we celebrated diversity on screen, in the audience and behind the camera.