15 Black History Month Movies, Documentaries, and TV Shows to Stream Stat

A collection of Black History Month movies, documentaries, and television shows that reflect on America’s history of racism, celebrate the achievements of black social activists, and explore the experiences of everyday Americans (and complement our Black History Month reading list). From thought-provoking documentaries to award-winning films, here are 15 must-watch movies, documentaries, and television shows to … More

Trans*Form Toolkit

This toolkit contains information on key points from our consultation with trans* young people, guidance for youth work organisations and a selection of resources to use with young people to promote awareness of equality and diversity in your organisation.

Creating an Effective Audience Development Plan

This guide takes you through several planning stages. At each stage there are signposts to further information to watch or read. It shows you how to bring everything together to make an actionable plan that will help you attract the widest possible audience in imaginative and energetic ways. It will help you identify potential audiences … More

Welcoming Syrian Refugees

This booklet offers simple guidance on how local individuals, charities and groups in the UK can help welcome refugees into our communities. It explains some of the issues surrounding the process with materials and input from groups around the country.