Queer in the World queerintheworld.com

It’s a wonderful thing to see increasing LGBT representation in the movies. While awesome films with queer characters can be found even decades ago, they were few and far between; nowadays, cinema-goers have a much better chance of seeing even-handed portraits of gay characters than before.

However, one group that remains under- or unfairly-representative is bisexuals. Often a bisexual character is played for laughs, is a confused queer character, or (on the darker side) their bisexuality is evidence of their grotesqueness. Female bi characters also suffer from being portrayed solely through the male gaze for titillation.

Luckily, there are several fantastic exceptions to this and we can only hope that the number of options for this list of our top bisexual movies will grow as people become more open-minded. Enjoy these acclaimed films and let us know if there are any we’ve missed!