Marc Choueiti, Dr. Stacy L. Smith & Dr. Katherine Pieper with assistance from Ariana Case USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative

In June of 2018, we released our inaugural report on diversity in the film criticism space using reviews featured on Rotten Tomatoes across the 100 top films of 2017. Now, we are partnering with TIME’S UP Entertainment and extending that investigation in three important ways. First, the diversity of critics associated with the 100 top films each year from 2015 to 2017 was assessed. Second, we were interested inhowstudiosandpublicationoutletswereperformingrelativetotheoveralltrends. Third,we examined whether critics’ identity and character identity by gender and underrepresented status were associated with review scores on Rotten Tomatoes. Overall, a total of 59,751 movie reviews across 300 top-grossing films were evaluated for critic gender and race/ethnicity.