Artworks Creative Evaluation Toolkit

This toolkit details a selection of creative techniques that practitioners can use to enable participants to engage in understanding and share their feelings and opinions in a reflective manner. It gives guidance on how the material gained through creative techniques can be used to prove the value of our work.

Your Cinema Your Community Your Impact

This toolkit for cinemas points to the information that you need to know to determine whether you have screened your films successfully, attracted intended audiences, and made a difference to the people that attend as well as your wider community and economy.

Faded Neon Films

Queer disabled writer/director Charli Whatley and producer and animator Toby Anthonisz set up production company Faded Neon Films to support underrepresented voices to tell bold cinematic stories. Inclusivity is at the heart of what we do, and we are working on developing new ways to approach filmmaking that make the development and production process accessible … More

7 Principles to Ensure an Inclusive Recovery

We Shall Not Be Removed has worked in partnership with Ramps on the Moon, Attitude is Everything,Paraorchestra, and What Next? to create a new guide for the arts and entertainment sectors to support disability inclusion. Our Seven Inclusive Principles for Arts & Cultural Organisations working safely through COVID-19 is designed to complement the suite of … More