20+ resources for National Coming Out Day

Held October 11th in most countries and October 12th in the United Kingdom, National Coming Out Day was started in 1988 as a way for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community to speak out about issues that concern them and their supporters. There are an overwhelming amount of support resources on the Web … More

Queer Film Network

What and who is QFN? We are an emerging professional organisation of four Queer film programmers focused on bringing together other Queer film programmers working within film festivals, clubs and societies. Established in October 2015 after meeting in 2014 at a Film Hub Wales programming event as part of The Iris Prize Film Festival, we … More

Our commitment to diversity

As the lead body for film, and in our role as a public funder and a Lottery distributor, it’s essential that the BFI represents a contemporary Britain – in the films we fund and show, the audiences who watch them, and the filmmakers, actors and crews who make them. Film has the potential to be … More

Severe and Multiple Disadvantage Research Project

This study breaks new ground in developing an understanding of the specific severe and multiple disadvantage needs of a population where there is already a strong evidence base around some inequalities, but where few studies have drawn this evidence together in order to paint a picture of complex needs.

Recognising the rights of LGBTIQ+ people, National Coming Out Day brings awareness of LGBTIQ+ experiences across the world.

National Coming Out Day was inspired by a single march. 500,000 people participated in the March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights on October 11, 1987, generating momentum to last for 4 months after the march had ended. During this period, over a hundred LGBTIQ+ identifying individuals gathered outside Washington, DC, and decided on creating a national day to celebrate coming out – this began on the 1st anniversary of their historic march.

Cinemas UK-wide will be sharing LGBTIQ+ stories to encourage acceptance, understanding and celebration in audiences.

Trans*Form Toolkit

This toolkit contains information on key points from our consultation with trans* young people, guidance for youth work organisations and a selection of resources to use with young people to promote awareness of equality and diversity in your organisation.