Carers resources

A carer is someone who spends a significant amount of their time providing unpaid support to a family member or friend. Social care and health services in particular have an important role in ensuring that carers are at the heart of the social care system; and are treated as expert partners in care. Skills for Care … More

Dementia-friendly screenings create a slice of normal life for people living with dementia, a chance to experience film in a relaxed and supported environment. Cinemas across the UK are providing screenings throughout the year, but World Alzheimer’s Month is an opportunity to highlight these events.

Dementia-friendly screenings are sometimes called relaxed screenings, though these can also be suitable for people with multiple sensory sensitivities or different conditions such as autism spectrum disorder or learning disabilities.

Screenings are adapted to make the environment more suitable for people living with dementia. Sometimes, simple adaptations can be enough for someone to experience a slice of ordinary life and enjoy a cinema experience with their companions.

Find out more about running dementia-friendly screenings here or check out the downloads on this page.