Carers UK Resources
Factsheets, rights guide, self-advocacy toolkit
Factsheets, rights guide, self-advocacy toolkit
Putting on Carers Week events, finding out about being a Carer Friendly Community.
Framework to show different levels of inclusivity for people with disabilities in social settings, with a view to improving opportunities and training care providers to think differently about outreach
Would you like to start encouraging more young people into your organisation but feel that you wouldn’t know how to support them, or don’t really know what you would or could give them to do? This good practice guide offers support.
The Dementia-friendly arts guide is a guide for arts venue managers and staff on how to make the environment, facilities and programming of arts venues accessible to people withdementia, their families and carers.
Do you have hearing loss? Are you looking for somewhere to practice your lipreading skills. If so, you’ve come to the right place. This website provides videos of stories being read aloud, so that you can practice your lipreading skills and enjoy some good writing at the same time. You can print out the scripts to help … More
As a British Sign Language user, Nick Beese’s template for working with Sign Language/English interpreters is a useful prep sheet, which you can make work for you; remove sections you don’t think you need or add new ones. If you are a teacher or student this could include a glossary of all the terms used on … More
This guide has been produced in conjunction with Access London Theatre and compiled by the Society of London Theatre and UK Theatre in order to give you as much information as possible about booking, managing and marketing an Assisted Performance – as well as best practice guidelines to providing a full and effective customer service … More
As universities become increasingly diverse, it is important for individuals and groups planning events to consider how they can make their events accessible and engaging to a broad audience. This audience includes people with a wide array of backgrounds and social identities, includes those based upon race, ethnicity, language, country of origin, religion, political affiliation, … More
Taking Part, a report published by the Scottish Arts Council in 2008, found that 49% of disabled people surveyed attended an arts or cultural activity in the previous year as compared to 77% of non-disabled people. There are currently over 758,000 people with hearing impairments in Scotland (Action on Hearing Loss, 2011) and up to … More