Supporting a LGBT Person with Dementia
Find out about changes in society for LGBT people in recent history and how they can affect those living with dementia today.
Find out about changes in society for LGBT people in recent history and how they can affect those living with dementia today.
The dementia guide is for anyone who has recently been told they have dementia. This could be any type of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia or mixed dementia. It will also be useful to close friends and family of someone with dementia, as it contains information for anyone taking on a caring role.
A standard for how venues can be more inclusive in their practices to appropriately provide for older people
Factsheets, rights guide, self-advocacy toolkit
Framework to show different levels of inclusivity for people with disabilities in social settings, with a view to improving opportunities and training care providers to think differently about outreach
Would you like to start encouraging more young people into your organisation but feel that you wouldn’t know how to support them, or don’t really know what you would or could give them to do? This good practice guide offers support.
Delivering a sport and physical activity service. A toolkit for mental health providers. This guide covers • The types of roles you could offer volunteers. • Tips to help you recruit great volunteers. • Suggested topics to cover in your volunteer training. • Ideas to help you ensure that volunteers get the most from their … More
The Dementia-friendly arts guide is a guide for arts venue managers and staff on how to make the environment, facilities and programming of arts venues accessible to people withdementia, their families and carers.
PiF’s Learning Disabilities Resource List collates research, guidance, best practice and further contact details. It is intended to support the development of high quality patient information for people with learning disabilities.
Information and guidance on the Equality Act 2010, including age discrimination and public sector Equality Duty.