Guidelines For Digital Accessibility: Film

While film shown in cinema and on TV has the technical facility for a secondary audio track for audio description (AD), most arts and heritage venues will use YouTube or Vimeo as a platform, and embed the player within their website. Neither of these has a secondary audio track facility.[1] Following the steps and tips … More

Planning and Access for Disabled people: A Good Practice Guide

The primary objective of this guide is to ensure the planning system in England successfully and consistently delivers inclusive environments as an integral part of the development process. An inclusive environment is one that can be used by everyone, regardless of age, gender or disability.

Do’s and Dont’s of Designing for Accessibility

The dos and don’ts of designing for accessibility are general guidelines, best design practices for making services accessible in government. Currently, there are six different posters in the series that cater to users from these areas: low vision, D/deaf and hard of hearing, dyslexia, motor disabilities, users on the autistic spectrum and users of screen readers.

Working with Blind and Partially-sighted Colleagues

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand how someone with sight loss is able to do certain things in the workplace, for example, read documents or share written information. What do you do if you want to ask someone about their sight loss, but don’t want to offend? How can you better understand how a … More